The smartest way to run online exams:

Send us your test questions
Perfectly painless setup - just email us your questions and answers

Give your students an exam link
Securely take tests anywhere through a web browser or mobile device

See the results
Scored immediately and automatically, with reports you can view or export to a spreadsheet
Test your students, employees, and job candidates
Starting at just $19/month
The Online Testing system is BRILLIANT! So easy to use. I'm already a fan. Paul Rogers, KEPA Education Ltd.
Last year we delivered 26,000 hours of training and associated tests. Every test was scored and processed by Our custom software package not only scores the tests, it issues formal certificates, records the scores in our data vault, delivers the results to us and reports successful course completions to government agencies, all instantly and electronically. The package was excellent right out of the box but they created numerous advanced customizations for us while meeting our schedule and our budget.
I give a 5-star rating. Please contact me if I can answer any questions.
William C. Dunn, P.E., President
SunCam, Inc.